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Cosmetic Enhancements

Anti wrinkle Treatment

Anti-Wrinkle Injections are a popular non-invasive cosmetic treatment to reduce signs of ageing and restore a vibrant, youthful appearance. Signs of ageing can appear progressively over time, in the form of lines and wrinkles. Frequent expressions such as smiling and frowning can make our muscles tense and, over time, this leads the overlying skin to become creased and wrinkled.

Having Anti-Wrinkle Injections can turn back the clock, giving you smoother facial skin and a revived look. Administered by a medical practitioner, a series of fine injections temporarily block the signal between the nerve and muscle to relax and smoothen the skin for younger and fresher facial features.


All cosmetic injection treatments come with a complimentary consultation where risks, side effects, dosage, and price are provided.


Areas that are commonly treated include frown, forehead, crows feet, upper lip and bunny lines.


BOOK HERE  for a free consultation with one of our nurses

Dermal Filler

At Skin and Body Co, we use premium dermal fillers that contains a naturally occurring substance found in our skin and connective tissue called hyaluronic acid. The fillers are biocompatible making them non-allergenic and low risk.


Dermal filler is very versatile and can be used to treat several areas including, lips, lines around the mouth, cheeks, midface, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jowls, chin, and jaw. For a free consultation with one of our nurses book online.




Masseter Reduction

Stress and other factors can lead to involuntary teeth grinding. This puts excess pressure on the jaw, which can wear down your teeth, cause headaches and other negative symptoms.


We offer treatments to reduce jaw size and excessive teeth grinding. Antiwrinkle injections are used to treat the masseter muscle. The appointment takes 15 minutes, the full effect will be seen by the four-week mark, results can last up to 5 months.



PDO Smooth Threads

PDO Smooth threads treatment is beneficial for skin tightening, skin thickening and for stimulation of collagen which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Once the PDO thread is inserted it activates collagen synthesis to gradually tighten and rejuvenate. Results can last 6-12 months.




Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is a natural injectable treatment to promote cell growth and regeneration. We use PRP to treat dark circles and hollowing under the eyes, hair thinning and hair loss and skin rejuvenation. PRP works in a three-step process. We draw vials of blood and spin the vials in a centrifuge machine, this separates the red blood cells from the plasma.


The concentrated plasma contains your body’s own natural healing mechanisms, once injected into the skin or under eye area it stimulates cell turnover, collagen and elastin production which results in plumper, tighter and a smoother complexion. When treating hair thinning the PRP is injected deep into the scalp to reach the bottom of the hair follicle, which stimulates a specialised population of cells named dermal papilla cells, which play a critical role in hair growth.




Skin Boosters

Now it is possible to boost your skin from within! Skin Boosters infuse a thin layer of micro droplets of hyaluronic acid beneath the skin surface, where it draws water and provides long term deep hydration. You will get a refreshed and radiant look that lasts.



Sculptra is a bio stimulator injectable treatment that helps to gradually replace lost collagen. The treatment addresses the underlying cause of facial aging, not just the symptoms. A Sculptra treatment renews the skin by, smoothing wrinkles, restoring volume, improving overall skin quality with increased elasticity and radiance, and improving the appearance of scars.

The results of a Sculptra treatment are gradual and can last up to two years





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